How to grow Cauliflower

How to grow Cauliflower

Like so many other Cole crops cauliflower origin is in the Mediterranean. It’s a modern creation 12th-13th century, Cyprus is where its associated with. Cauliflower is more temperamental then other Cole crops. Grown as annual, usually for a fall Harvest. The part of the plant that flowers is called the curd. Curd is the part most commonly eaten and is the stage before it flowers. Eaten cooked or raw, cauliflower is consumed worldwide, and comes in a variety of colors.  
Plant and Go
Botanical: Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
Depth: ½" Spacing: 18-24" Row: 24-36" Temp: 50-80F
Germ: 7-10 days Sun: Full/ 6-8 hrs. pH: 6.5-7.5 Harvest: 8-12/80-10
Water: 2-2.5in per wk Soil: well drained  Container: 8x12" Fertilizer: 12-24-12
 Fert Freq: Every 4 weeks  
Companion plant: Kidney Beans
There are many varieties so do your research before sowing. Temperature and timing is key with cauliflower. Instead of bolting being a concern button is the big worry. Buttoning is when plants make tiny ‘buttons’ instead of one head, this happens when it’s too hot or cold. Cauliflower can be a challenge to grow it requires temperatures in the growing season to average 60F, range is 50-80F. Plants will button if it’s too hot or cold for too long. Find a spot that has full sun for 6-8 hours use Shade as needed depending on your area. Hot climates use shade to prevent buttoning. Soil needs to be kept moist and well drained. If you plan on transplanting sow 4-5 weeks before last frost. Or direct sow 2-4 weeks before last frost. For a fall harvest sow 6-8 weeks before first frost. Seed depths is recommended at ½ I in bunches of 3-4 seeds. Space at 3-6 in. Fertilizer is important, recommended every 4 weeks with a 12-24-12 mix, using a side dressing method. Side dressing is putting Fertilizer around the the perimeter of the plant on top of the soil. 
    Water recommends is 2-2.5 in per week, and don’t forget the mulch. Their seeds to 18-24in when the seedlings are 2in tall, rows 24-36in. Transplant when seedlings have 4-5 true leaves, 2-4 weeks before first/last frost depending on the harvest window your aiming for. 
    To prepare the soil for direct sow or transplant loosen the dirt 8in deep, clear any rocks or branches. Place transplanted seedlings deep enough to cover the roots.
    Cauliflower comes in a variety of colors you don’t usually see at the grocery store. The white color is achieved by blanching the curd. Once the curd is 2-3 inches in diameter take the leaves and bring together to cover the entire curd. Tie loosely together to allow air flow. Check periodically for fungus and pests. Leave for 7-14 days. Harvest time is 80-100 days. 
Cauliflower can take 3-5 months to mature depending on the variety and when it was sowed. Once the head starts to separates you missed the harvest window. When the head is compact and firm its time to harvest. 
-For beat results side dress with high nitrogen Fertilizer .
-The curd will start out as a loose head, as it matures it will firm up. 
-blanching helps with keeping temperatures stable for the curd
Fun fact
-The largest cauliflower grown was 60 pounds by Peter Glazebrrok of England.
-considered a super veggie 
Cauliflower is a little difficult to grow but don’t let that discourage you. Not only is it satisfying to finally grow a full plant, but the small nuances like blanching make it more interesting to try compared to other plants.
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